Letting Go and Trusting God’s Plan

Paul Zabala
2 min readMar 4, 2024

We all crave things deeply – a fulfilling romance, a dream job, the longing to start a family. But sometimes, the path to those desires seems obstructed and out of reach. This is the moment when faith whispers softly, reminding us that a higher plan might be at play.

Photo by Liane Metzler on Unsplash

When Desires and Divine Timing Collide

There are times in life when God might ask us to let go of the thing we want most. This isn’t a sign of divine punishment or indifference. It’s a gentle redirection, an invitation to align ourselves with a greater purpose that we might not even be able to see yet.

This letting go is an act of radical trust. It means acknowledging that God’s timing might not be our own. This surrender of control is an essential, though often painful, step on our spiritual journey.

The Promise of Something Better

The beauty of letting go is the promise that sometimes recurs in scripture and spiritual traditions: God may bring back what we’ve released, transformed and aligned for our highest good, at exactly the right time. And sometimes, God offers a gift so much greater than we could have ever desired for ourselves.

Prioritize Faith, Not Outcomes

When we prioritize our relationship with God above specific outcomes, we move closer to His plan. Clinging to a desired outcome or trying to will it into existence is like swimming against the tide. It exhausts us and can push us further from the shore of peace.

The Inevitability of Divine Timing

"When it’s God’s time, you can’t stop it." This simple adage is worth remembering. The forces that work within God’s plan are far greater and more intricate than our own efforts. Trusting this allows us to release the need for control and surrender to the unfolding of grace.

Personal Reflection

Can you think of a time when you desired something deeply, only to watch it slip away? How did you feel? Have you experienced the beauty of a delayed blessing or unexpected gift?

Letting Go is an Act of Faith

Letting go can be one of the most difficult spiritual practices. But within it lies the promise of growth, transformation, and alignment with a far grander purpose than we can see with limited human eyes.



Paul Zabala

I write about life, work and everything in between. Enjoy!